SBT and ICF Southern Arizona Host Event for Coaches and Veterans in Tucson
On Saturday, May 19th, several SBT Coaches from Phoenix & Tucson, along with the President of the Southern Arizona Chapter of ICF and other member coaches of the chapter, gathered at Tucson's Valdez Public Library to meet/greet/coach veterans from the Tucson community. Pizzas were donated by local downtown restaurant Reilly's. George Luquin, Program Manager for Veterans Upward Bound, Tucson, dropped by and gave us his insights on reaching local veterans, tips we will put into use at our next event. Max Dell'Oliver from Congressman O'Halloran's office also stopped by and strongly encouraged our leader, Stephanie Richmond, to bring some coaches to meet the Congressman in Washington, D.C. so he could learn more about our work for veterans in his state and across the country. It was a great time for our coaches to mingle and get to know each other better too!
Our Annual Summer Online Fundraiser (2018)
for SBT is up and running!
Just after Memorial Day we began SBT's Annual Summer Online Fundraiser 2018, and here's the link. We've learned that a very good way to raise funds is to reach out to our enthusiastic supports (including our coaches) to host their own one-on-one (or peer-to-peer) fundraiser on our behalf. So the people who have volunteered to host a fundraising page for SBT are: Jere Wile, Mark Sachs, Kim Graham, Sheila Wall, Cindy Loughran, Dr. Pat Raskin, Randall Chase, Teresa Bitner, and Donna Fakiris and we are so grateful! These fundraisers will last over the summer and close after Labor Day. If you are able to host a fundraising page for us, one whose link you would send out to friends, colleagues, contacts in hopes of getting them to donate, we would really appreciate it and will help you launch it! Just contact Jenna at: SBT relies heavily upon contributions from individual donors, so we need to step up our efforts so that we can be able to work more efficiently, upgrade our website and engagement tracking systems to provide the best service possible to our deserving veterans. It was June 24, 2013 when we launched our organization with 6 volunteer coaches and we now number 180 in 28 states. Good luck everyone and thanks for helping!
SBT and ICF Southern Arizona Host Event for Coaches and Veterans in Tucson
One of our past coachees is an AF veteran who received SBT small business coaching, and as an expression of gratitude, he offered SBT CEO Stephanie Richmond (and SBT) free space at his booth at the International Licensing Show in Las Vegas. Stephanie thought this might be a great opportunity to connect with companies who might be interested in sponsoring SBT or partnering with us on some events. It was quite a hectic few days at the Mandalay Bay Convention
Center, and Stephanie and SBT Coach Teresa Bitner from Austin Texas did make quite a few connections, which will hopefully prove fruitful!
"Thanks to Teresa Bitner, SBTÂ
Coach from Austin Texas (and author of "Soul Love") for standing beside me in Las Vegas!", said Stephanie, who will continue to prepare the groundwork for some important partnerships in the future.
Other News:
We are near completion with the coaching of a cohort of 23 female veterans who came to us through University of Michigan's "After Her Service" program; we have begun coaching their second cohort of 25 female veterans. Things have been going extremely well for these talented female veterans, and we'll have a lot more to report on outcomes in the fall. Stay tuned for more news and have a great summer!